Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mom and Dad and I spent a few days with Grammy and Grampy and guess what? Grammy has a new camera!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mom, Dad and I went to visit Grammy and Grampy last week. Riley sure does have a lot of toys and he doesn't mind sharing either. I had a really good time there.

Dad came in handy when I was ready for my nap.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Grammy's Camera Happy !

Grammy came to see me yesterday. She sure does like to take photos of me. She says I get cuter every time she sees me.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sears Photos

I went for a photo shoot at Sears a few weeks ago. Here ae some of the photos. I had a good time but was pretty tired when it was over.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Grammy has new photos of me and of course she's willing to share. These were all taken today.Here's me with Aunt Baylee

I'm still enjoying my new toy!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hello Everyone! I figured it was time to let you know I'm doing allright. Grammy has some new photos to share so here goes:

I got a new toy last week. Mom and Dad and Uncle Lucas and Grandpa all helped put it together and it sure didn't take very long! I guess they knew I was anxious to try it out!

I'll bet Riley wishes he was still small enough to climb in here and play too!

Here's a photo of me and Grandpa

Grammy tells me all the time that I just get cuter and cuter. What do you think? I'm gonna go for now but I'll be back soon!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I Had Visitors

I had some visitors the other day! Grammy and Aunt Baylee and Riley came to see me. Here's a photo of me with Aunt Baylee. Here's me with Grammy.

Grammy fed me my cereal.

Grammy sure must enjoy holding me cause she did it for a long time!

Grammy thinks this photo is cute so she thought we should put it on here. I'll see you guys later!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Grammy Says...

... it's time to update my blog. She said that I should share some photos with you guys. So, here goes. This first one is of me with my Papa. He's Dad's Dad. Here's one that I like of me and Mom.
Here's me and Dad!

Here's me and Mom again. Don't I look sweet when I'm asleep? That's what Grammy says anyhow. I'm through for now. Bye bye!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Hello again everyone! Mom and Dad and I went to Grammy and Grampy's and of course there were a lot of pictures taken. The first 3 are of me and my cousin Riley. He's a pretty good kid but he sure does slobber a lot!

This is Riley's Mom. She's my aunt Baylee.

This is my Grampy

Dad and I have a pretty good time together

He makes a lot of funny faces

That's all for now folks. I'll be back again though.